Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Tales of The...

On April 4th myself and a few other creative types are launching the website The plan is to be an online weekly blog-style anthology incorporating all types of creative media and a platform for N.Ireland creators to showcase film, artwork, prose, audio and just about any other type of creative endeavour you can think of.

A new piece will be published every Sunday and similar in style to “Tales of the Crypt“, “Tales of the Unexpected”, or “Tales of insert term here” we're creating exciting fiction, without being tied to any particular genre. We're going to have the odd themes, and April kicks off with 'Tales of the Cthulhu Quarter' (a pun on Belfast's Cathedral Quarter), but for the most part creators and collaborators have free reign to create and share whatever they want.

This sort of grew out of the comic book creators meeting we have in the Garrick every week month and the love of different media the group had. Its grown a little since then and hopefully will continue to do so as the site launches.

The first theme features a radioplay-style podcast, a comic, prose, an original painting, a short film and a couple of accompanying short essays, so if you want to see what a group of N. Ireland creators come up with in their spare time you could do worse than to bookmark

The above image is the logo I designed for the project so technically this post features a bit of my art, but there'll be a return to some proper stuff next week...


  1. We meet in the Garrick every week? Wha...? Have you been having secret meetings and not telling people?


  2. Best of luck with this, sounds fun.

  3. SPOILER ALERT: "We LOVE our little King" I may ditch medicine and pursue my acting career after doin such a kick-ass job in the podcast!

    Stephen's weekly comicbook meetings are by himself, in a lonely corner of the garrick, where he goes just to escape me :(

  4. PJ - Opps yes I meant monthly meetings, and I've corrected the erroneous statement above.

    Cheers Mark, if you have anything to submit as well, send it my way :)

    Aimee - Stop stalking me!

  5. Stalking you?! How very dare ye! Every week you FORCE me to look at your blog! The cheek.

    PS: "Opps" is not a word. Fool.
