Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Hair today... slightly more detailed tomorrow.

I've made a conscious effort to improve my hair drawing skills while drawing Slaughterman's Creed.
The above is a panel featuring Morley from Cancertown. I used to like the minimal hair drawing and let Mel do most of the hard work, but recently I've went for the full ink render so that it looks bettter in black and white and so the high contrast will there in the final version. Here's an example of The more 'fuller' head of hair. Although this guy does look a little like Morley he's actually a small character from Slaughterman's Creed, I was just looking in the Mirror for the expression so he ended up looking a bit like Morley (with longer hair, thinner facer and a different nose... well his stubble looks like Morley's anyway.)
This was my first time inking a woman's hair but in this case I got it a little wrong and the shape of the parting doesn't quite trace her head.

A little photoshoppery later and the line's a bit better. I . I didn't want it to be too tidy to show a bit of a wild, sultry side to the character, so I added in a bit more detail and shape to it while I was there. I'm happy enough with how it turned out.

No sleep for Insomnia:
The buzz on Cancertown continues. Cy and Nic had a great time over by all accounts at the whatever comics signing this past weekend (and great sales too, so I'm starting to think if you want your hands on a first print you should order it before its too late). If you want to actually see what my co-conspirators look like, have a look here.

I was also featured in a huge centrefold in the Irish News last week. Here's a scan for those who havn't seen it. I have to thank David Roy for the excellent interview and very well written article.

I was also interviewed by the Jen over at the Pulse. This was a particular pleasure for me as the Pulse has been one of my favourite comics sites for as long as I can remember and one of the first few I ever found (and kept up with). Here's a link to the interview itself and there's plenty Cancertown art there as well.

As ever, our publisher Insomnia continues to expand. Take a look at Ryan hugh's gorgeous cover to Burke & Hare.

The book is the first from Insomnia's new Vigil Imprint which publishes the comicbook version of Biopics. Its a really interesting story by Martin Conaghan and Will Pickering and you can find out a lot more about it at Insomnia's Blog
Also check out and my good friend Andrew Croskery's blog to keep up with his Insomnia project and the other random nonsense (and art) he's sure to share.
Here are the pencils for the first page of the graphic novel. Can't wait to see it :)

I still havn't got the photos back from the 2D festival (Aimee has the film and she's very lazy :P) but I expect I'll have some pictures soon.


  1. Taunting Aimee seems like a very dangerous move. I am looking forward to seeing a lot more of your work in Cy's books so don't incite her to kill you yet please.

    Well done on getting into the newspaper, looks like a good article.

  2. Why do none of your characters have long flowing lockes like mine?
