Friday, 10 September 2010

I'm back (to back!)

I'm back from my travels in body if not in spirit. I had an amazing time living in Belize for a month with excursions to Mexico and Guatemala, then a tour of the West coast of the USA and returning just in time to see my strip in Torchwood Mag still on the shelves. 

As I mentioned before, the 11 page strip will be reprinted in the US version of the Torchwood comic. It's going to be in #5 and here's my cover to the issue, with awesome colours by Ciaran Lucas. It should be in comic stores around the 31st of October, but to guarantee a copy you can preorder it now from your local comic store with this Diamond code: SEP101124


  1. Very cool!!! Good combo of your pencils and Ciarans colours...way to go team!! : )
